Change Mgmt

- Tech & Culture Shifts in 20-years
- Breakdown of each Generation
- Effective Communication & Follow-up
- Recruiting & Retaining Talent for each Group
**Geared towards Leaders & Managers (HR)

Retaining Young Talent


Retaining Young Talent 〰️


- The Rules Have Changed
- Ways Social Media Affects You
- The Good, The Bad, The…
- Tips and Tricks to make the most of it
**Geared towards M.S. & H.S. Students

Daily 360

- Stage One: Get Your Head Right
- Stage Two: Encourage Your Team
- Stage Three: Serve those Around You
- Stage Four: Prepare to Be “Home”
**Geared towards Adults & Athletes



- Reevaluate Your Personal & Professional Life
- Encourage Others in All Walks of Life
- Avoid the Toxic at All Cost
- Limit the Distractions in Your Life
**Geared towards Business Professionals

Back-to-School Events


Back-to-School Events 〰️

10 Things…

- Culture Changes in the past 20 years
- Bullying & Harmful Behaviors
- Cell Phones & Social Networks
- Movies, Music, Drugs & Alcohol
**Geared towards Parents & Educators

Other projects…

RISE Together

A video and audio podcast “for associates, by associates.” Each week we spent time discussing the companies core values and how we must choose to live them out daily:
Respect, Integrity, Service & Excellence.
(Sunset March 2020)

The Spartan code®

A company focused on rediscovering ancient principles for a modern culture. Through the Modern Day Agoge™ individuals learn to apply spartan DISCipline to their daily lives and discover how to live life to the fullest.
(Sold to Spartan Race, Inc. 2018)

INfluencer Marketing

The largest internal influencer network in the world. Helping frontline employees use their authentic voice in sharing their story and their insights about brands they love.
(2021 - Present)